

Under the guidance of the management committee director Liu Feng and deputy director Wan Zhihong, built by the business director Sudan lawyer, deputy director Li Yafei and other young members of the business department with all their strength, Henan Junzhihe Law Firm's Intellectual Property law and Foreign-related law Business Department is comprised of 8 promising elites of the firm in which 5 are with master's degrees or above.

(部分成员)(Some members of our team)


. Main business scope


1. Specialized in providing strategic layout plans for intellectual property (including copyrights, trademarks and patents) for enterprises, providing legal programs and training for management and protection of intellectual property, drafting, reviewing licenses and transfer contracts, intellectual property infringement investigations and evidence preservation, and represent enterprises to apply for administrative protection of intellectual property rights and deal with legal affairs involving intellectual property rights in corporate management;


2. Protection of trade secrets, formulating trade secret protection schemes, carrying out legal training on trade secret protection, assisting enterprises to establish confidentiality systems, guiding enterprises to manage employees, and acting as agent in dealing with disputes related;


3. International and domestic trademark registration, domain name registration, patent application, copyright registration, etc.; file trademark, copyright, and patent rights with the General Administration of Customs for filing and apply to the customs for intellectual property protection;


4. Drafting, reviewing, and modifying legal documents in Chinese and foreign languages, provide solutions for legal disputes of clients' overseas investments, mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, and participating in major business negotiations;


5. Representing litigation, arbitration and mediation in copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets, domain name infringement disputes, contract disputes and anti-unfair competition disputes;


6. Conflicts between the name of the agency and other rights (trademark rights, copyrights, etc.);


7. Participating in Foreign-related commercial litigation, arbitration and mediation, etc.


. Brief introduction of department members







Name: Liu Feng

Position: Director of the Management Committee, member of the Intellectual Property and Foreign-related Business Department, full-time lawyer

Education background: Northwest University of Political Science and Law

Areas of expertise: intellectual property, corporate legal counsel, civil and commercial litigation

Experiences: acting as attorney or guide in dozens of intellectual property cases such as the trademark dispute case of Xuchang Xu Jipai Nimet Cable Bridge Co., Ltd. v. Xuchang Jineng Electric Control Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. trademark dispute, etc.

Motto: having no intention to be perfect in every case but no regrets.







Name: Wan Zhihong

Position: Deputy Director of the Management Committee, member of the Intellectual Property and Foreign-related Business Department, full-time lawyer.

Education background: Bachelor of Laws, Zhengzhou University.

Areas of expertise: intellectual property, corporate legal counsel, civil and commercial litigation.

Experiences: In 2006, as an attorney of a private enterprise in a dispute of patent, to find a better way to solve the problem, she went to Zhengzhou and Beijing to visit relevant experts and related professionals, submitted an application for the cancellation of the patented technology to the CIPO. After over two months of hard work and enthusiasm, she finally received the "application for the cancellation of the patented technology" officially issued by the CIPO. The decision saved an enterprise and safeguarded the dignity of the law.

Motto: speaking with righteousness to uphold justice and fulfill the mission; practicing with integrity to safeguard rights according to law.







Name: Sudan

Position: Director of Intellectual Property and Foreign Affairs Department, full-time lawyer

Education background: Bachelor of Laws of Henan University of Economics and Law, Master of Criminal Law of South Central University for Nationalities

Expertise: Intellectual Property, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Criminal

Experiences: she mainly focuses on the study of legal issues in the fields of intellectual property, criminal and commercial affairs, experienced in the establishment, investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, operations of enterprises and investment institutions, also in the acquisition, licensing and management of intellectual property rights of enterprises and individuals; having deep theoretical foundation and practical experience in company's commercial business dispute settlement and other aspects.

Motto: trying to distinguish right from wrong by law with righteousness.







Name: Li Yafei

Position: Deputy Director of Intellectual Property and Foreign-related Business Department, full-time lawyer

Education background: Bachelor of Laws, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Master of International Law of Xiamen University

Areas of expertise: Intellectual property, civil and commercial litigation, foreign-related civil and commercial affairs

Experiences: Acted and participated in several IP diputes including Beijing Birdman Art Promotion Co., Ltd. v. Xuchang Weidu Shenglong Entertainment Song Hall Dispute, Hunan Golden Eagle Cartoon Media Co., Ltd. v. Xuchang Qiandu Network Technology Co., Ltd. etc., acted in the foreign related case of Xuchang Hengyuan Hair Products Co., Ltd. v. Qingdao Tairunda International Logistics Co., Ltd. Served as an English teacher in Zhengzhou New Oriental English School; can use English language freely to participate in negotiations and other foreign affairs.

Motto: to learn broadly, ask by cautious, consider carefully, discern and act with determination.







Name: Liu Qirui

Position: Member of Intellectual Property and Foreign Business Department, full-time lawyer

Education background: Bachelor of Law in Zhongyuan Institute of Technology

Expertise: Intellectual Property, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Criminal law

Experience: During the initial practice period, he accumulated plenty of practice experience by handling a large number of financial and commercial cases such as financial loans, construction projects, private loans, and traffic accidents, as well as many criminal cases. The process of handling the case has developed efficient case-handling habits of multidimensional comprehensive consideration of case risks and finding solutions before classifying the cases. To better handle specific cases and ultimately play a pioneering role in intellectual property and foreign-related cases, during practice he learned a large number of theoretical and ruling techniques for related cases, and has developed a strong interest in them.

Motto: fairness, loyalty, reasoning, identification.







Name: Zheng Boyuan

Position: Member of Intellectual Property and Foreign Affairs Department, Trainee Lawyer

Education background: Bachelor of Exhibition Economics and Management, Master of Civil and Commercial Law, Shenyang Normal University

Areas of expertise: Intellectual Property, Foreign related affairs

Experiences: During the postgraduate study in 2016, he served as an intern at Liaoning Shoufeng Law Firm. In 2017, he served as an intern clerk at the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court. He joined Henan Junzhihe Law Firm in 2018 as a chief assistant lawyer, handling civil and commercial cases, including disputes over sales contracts for commercial housing, disputes over construction contract construction, and disputes over execution of disputes, etc., with basic lawyer practice skills, he is devoted to intellectual property, foreign-related civil and commercial cases and theoretical research.

Motto: seek quality work, behave in reality.






工作格言:律义虽远,人情可推。——— 宋.傅霖《刑统赋》

Name: Duan Yanyan

Position: Member of Intellectual Property and Foreign Affairs Department, Trainee Lawyer

Education background: Bachelor of Laws from Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Master of Laws from Beijing Institute of Technology.

Area of expertise: foreign related law, criminal law

Experiences: During his study in Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law in China, he participated in the International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition (East Asia) hosted by Stanson University in the United States which was held in South Korea. After joining Henan Junzhihe Law Firm, he served as an assistant participating in various criminal cases, including public funds, concealment of concealed proceeds of crime, provocations, trafficking in women, and fraud, has been to Xuchang City Detention Center and the Legal Aid Center of Weidu District for many times to provide free legal assistance to the masses.

Motto: Although the law and morality seem far away, the human relationship can be reasoned. --- Song Fulin Xing Tong Fu.







Name: Niu Yichen

Position: Member of Intellectual Property and Foreign-related Business Department, Paralegal

Education background: Graduated from Dalian Jiaotong University Accounting in 2016, and received Bachelor degree of Management. In 2019, she obtained a Master of Laws (non-legal Science) from Beijing Institute of Technology, business secretary of Beijing IPL research association.

Area of expertise: intellectual property law

Experiences: In 2016, she worked in the financial analysis of PPP projects in a state-owned investment company. In 2018, she joined the bankruptcy business team of Henan Junzhihe Law Firm, participated in several bankruptcy reorganization cases, and she could take composite professional advantages of her financial knowledge and legal business to solve problems from a multi-professional perspective, she has a strong comprehensive ability. During her practice in bankruptcy team, combined with practical work experience, she assisted a well-known legal technology company to develop an intelligent bankruptcy administrator system for lawyers which has greatly improved the lawyers' daily work efficiency.

Motto: orthodox, sincerity, righteousness; sensible reason, sensible virtue, definite law.


. Planning and goals


1. Locating at major development strategies such as ruling the country according to law, the "Belt and Road", and the construction of free trade zones, and legal services for comprehensively improving the level of an open economy, we aim to provide legal service for protecting intellectual property rights of domestic enterprises, international goods trade, service trade, and cross-border e-commerce, market procurement and trade, and new business forms and the development of new industries such as new-generation information technology, new energy and new materials.


2. To carry out publicity on the rule of law in practice and publicize China's legal system to relevant countries and regions, especially laws and regulations on intellectual property, investment, trade, finance, environmental protection, etc., to promote the international community's understanding of China's legal system and awareness: to participate in due diligence of foreign-related business transactions of enterprises, carry out risk assessment, prevention and control, and assist Chinese enterprises to establish and improve overseas investment and financing risk prevention and protection mechanisms to reduce legal risks.


3. To expand foreign-related intellectual property legal services, strengthen legal services in Intellectual Property right protection, and resolve foreign-related intellectual property disputes. To do a good job in foreign-related litigation and arbitration agency work, resolve international trade disputes in accordance with laws and rules, and actively participate in anti-dumping Antitrust investigations and lawsuits, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal persons overseas and foreign citizens and legal persons in China, and protect the rights and interests of overseas Chinese in accordance with the law.


Our objective: to establish a team of high-quality intellectual property and foreign-related legal services with an excellent understanding of international rules, a global perspective and an international perspective.
